Panel Discussion on “Current Respiratory Illness Outbreak in Children”

A panel discussion on “Current Respiratory Illness Outbreak in Children” was held at Shalamar Hospital. Dr. Ahmed Bilal and Professor Dr. Nadeem Hameed presented data collected at Shalamar Hospital on respiratory illness among children and trends observed. Leading pediatricians Prof. Dr. Waqar Hussain Shalamar Hospital), Mr. Nadeem Zafar, President of the Pakistan Pediatric Association, Prof. Dr. M Haroon Hamid (Mayo Hospital), Prof Dr. M Faheem Afzal (General Hospital) shared their thoughts on the data and discussed patient management with Post Graduate Residents, House Officers, and General Physicians
Accreditation of Training Programs by the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan

Accreditation of Training Programs by the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan On December 24th 2022, the College of Physicians & Surgeon Pakistan (CPSP) accorded accreditation to Shalamar Hospital /Shalamar Medical & Dental College (SMDC) for FCPS training in following disciplines: I. Uro-Gynaecology II. Plastic Surgery III. Forensic Medicine The accreditation was based on physical inspection conducted at the facility. The objective of the inspection was to evaluate the suitability and sufficiency of the following facilities at the institute for creation of an educational atmosphere to implement CPSP training program. 1) Appropriate resources including sufficient space and availability of technical and managerial staff for Clinical & Research work. 2) Teaching faculty with post fellowship teaching experience / eligible supervisor. 3) Availability of both basic / advanced equipment related to the speciality. 4) Clinical workload and case mix in the relevant field. 5) Proposed curriculum & plan for the implementation and subsequent evaluation. 6) Barring certain local differences, ensure the uniformity of training programmes being run all over the country.
The Political & Economic Section Chief of the U.S. Consulate General Visited Shalamar Medical and Dental College

The Political & Economic Section Chief of the U.S. Consulate General Visited Shalamar Medical and Dental College The Political & Economic Section Chief of the U.S. Consulate General, Lahore, Kathleen Gibilisco visited Shalamar Medical & Dental College and spoke with students and Post Graduate Residents. The discussion focused on the career-related challenges and issues that these students face after graduation, including difficulties with working long-term in their chosen field and barriers to pursuing certain specialities, such as surgery. Gibilisco also inquired about the types of support institutions, mainly teaching hospitals and medical colleges, that can offer to help address these issues.
Educating the Educators: A Burn Prevention and First Aid Training Program Kicked Off at Shalamar Hospital

In Pakistan, 1 person gets burned every 5 minutes, either accidentally or non-accidentally. The consequences that result from burns are serious, including isolation from or even abandonment by the family, social segregation, lack of education and/or skills, and extreme poverty. The long-term consequences and disability place a considerable strain on individuals and their families. The survivor’s family finds pre-injury poverty levels worsen after recovery. The most effective way to treat a burn is to prevent it from happening. Hashmat Effendi Burn and Plastic Surgery Department at Shalamar Hospital conducted the “Educating the Educators: A Burn Prevention and First Aid” training seminar at Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences on 19 December 2022. As part of the training, Safety Ambassadors will also receive materials that they can use to conduct sessions in their institute on safety and prevention. This curriculum for the training was designed after carefully researching to identify risk factors with age classification and gender. Additionally, the study was conducted to develop, implement and evaluate interventions aimed at helping children learn, retain, and apply their knowledge of safety measures. The fire and Burn Prevention curriculum teach lifesaving skills. The program focuses on i) Safety measures to prevent fire and burns from happening, ii) Safety skills to save lives in case a fire or burn happens, and iii) First aid to prevent the severity of accidents. The program aims to benefit children from newborns to 12 years old, as well as parents, expectant parents, and caregivers of all demographics in Pakistan and its neighbouring countries.
Inauguration of Research and Innovation Laboratory

Mr. Shahid Hussain, Chairman Board of Trustees inaugurated a newly established, on-campus Research and Innovation Laboratory on 14th December 2022. The Laboratory is established to facilitate researchers from SIHS and is open for collaborative research by professionals from other institutions. Manned by highly qualified and experienced staff, the facility can be used to carry out research in Basic Sciences, Molecular & Genetic Studies, Protein Analysis, Immunology (Hormones and Tumor Markers), and Biochemistry & Chromatography Analysis of chemicals. Molecular section has a Bio Safety Level (BSL) – II laboratory for infectious diseases and is also equipped with SDA PAGE, Western Blotting, Gel Doc, Traditional Thermo Cycler and Quant studio 5 for qPCR. The Immunology section has Plate Reader with Skan IT software, Plate Shakers, Plate Washer, automated ELISA plate coating and multiple washing systems. The Biochemistry and Chromatography sections have Bio Spectrophotometer, Fraction Collectors with accessories, Chromatography Columns and Microlab-300. Lab is also equipped with Electronic Micropipettes, -80C freezer, an Automatic Glass/Plastic apparatus washer, Autoclave, Sonicator, Refrigerated Centrifuge, and Water Distillation & De-Ionizing system.
Physiotherapy’s Types and Practices

How many different types of physiotherapy are there? People of all ages can benefit from physiotherapy, which has the potential to be a life-changing experience. Some examples of different types of physiotherapy are as follows: Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy or “orthopedic Manual therapy” focuses on restoring the musculoskeletal system’s functionality, which includes the muscles, joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons. It can improve mobility, lessen discomfort, treat injuries, and repair soft tissue damage. Gynecological Physiotherapy This branch of physiotherapy focuses on treating the female problems and other surrounding areas that are impacted by significant life events for women, such as pregnancy and childbirth. Neurological Physiotherapy The nervous system is affected by neurological conditions such as strokes, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and brain injuries. Physical therapy is well known to help neurological patients in regaining their mobility and helps to stop other complications brought on by neurological issues. Cardiovascular Physiotherapy Cardiovascular physiotherapists assess your heart and lungs’ health and recommend the best activities. Asthma and excessive chest discharge are two disorders that can be treated with this type of therapy. Respiratory Physiotherapy This type of physiotherapy helps in improving the quality of life of patients with diseases such as cystic fibrosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Sports Physiotherapy Sports activities are typically more physically taxing and athletes are more susceptible as a result of muscle and tendon injuries. Sports physiotherapists assist athletes in recovering more quickly from sports injuries and improving their overall performance. Pediatric Physiotherapy A subspecialty of physical therapy known as pediatric physiotherapy is dedicated to identifying, preventing, and treating developmental abnormalities in newborns, young children, and teenage patients. Geriatric Physiotherapy Although, age-related health complications such as muscle mass reduction, delayed reaction times, and imbalance are common. Fortunately, issues like loss of motion, arthritis, or Alzheimer’s disease can be addressed by geriatric physiotherapy. Physiotherapy from the comfort of your home! Home physical treatment is an option, but make sure you speak with your doctor first. Back exercises Lie on your back with both of your legs straight. In this position, bring your left knee up close to your chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return your leg to the straight position. Repeat with the right leg. Stand up with your arms on your side. Bend to the left side while slowly sliding your left hand down your left leg. Come back up slowly and relax. Repeat with the right side of your body. Neck exercises Keep your eyes centered on one object directly in front of you, now slowly move your head back. You will now be looking at the roof. Keep your whole body still. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly return your head to the start position. Keep your eyes centered on one object directly in front of you, now slowly move your head down. You will now be looking at the floor. Keep your whole body still. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly return your head to the start position. Keep your eyes centered on one object directly in front of you, and turn your head to the left, and your vision should be in line with your left shoulder. Turn your head as far as you can and hold the position for 5 seconds. Slowly relax as you return your head to the start position. Foot exercises. First write digits 1 to 10 using your toes raised in the air. Sit on a chair, raise your toes, and curl them Pick up a small piece of cloth off the floor using your toes. Still in a sitting position, point your toes and circle your ankles in a slow counter and clockwise motion. Stand up from the sitting position and go on tip toe for 5 seconds. Link for exercises: Written By: Jabeen Zahra – Intern, Shalamar Hospital
1st Integrated Convocation of Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences
The Integrated Convocation of constituent units of Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences was held on Saturday, 3rd December 2022 in which passing out graduates of Shalamar Medical and Dental College, Shalamar Nursing College and Shalamar School of Allied Health Sciences were conferred with degrees by the Vice-Chancellor University of Health Sciences; Prof. Dr. Ahsan Waheed Rathore. Keynote Speaker Dr. Arshad Ahmed(Vice Chancellor LUMS) lauded the efforts of healthcare workers in the Covid-19 pandemic. He also appreciated the efforts to integrate medicine, nursing and allied helath education at the Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences. The Chairman Board of Trustees Mr. Shahid Hussain shared that Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences has maintained its enviable position in all three facets; medical education; provision of medical care to patients and research. It has produced competent Doctors, Allied Health Professionals and Nursing staff to serve the country. The Principal Shalamar Medical & Dental College, Prof. M. Zahid Bashir shared the partnerships developed with internationally and nationally acclaimed institutes to bring world-class education and research to the country. The Keynote Speaker, Dr. Arshad Ahmad (Vice Chancellor-LUMS) awarded Gold; Silver & Bronze Medals for their academic achievements to: – Dr. Muhammad Mubashir, Dr. Sameen Tariq of Shalamar Medical and Dental College; – Mr. Mobeen Saeed, Ms. Saira Ali, Ms. Fatima Sanaullah, Ms. Ayesha Wajid, Ms. Arfa Sayab, Ms. Sumayya Shahid of Shalamar Nursing College; – Ms. Ramsha Akbar, Hafiza Ayesha Babar, Ms. Zufa Shafiq, Noor Fatima, Syeda Khadija Ejaz, Ms. Aqsa Yasin, Ms. Shumaila Jabeen, Ms. Neha Shakeel, Mr. Hussain Javed, Ms. Arfa Batool, Ms. Wajeeha Akram, Ms. Ayesha Anayat, Mr. Aqil Hareem Butt of Shalamar School of Allied Health Sciences; Chief Operating Officer Shalamar Hospital Dr. Ayesha Nauman; Principal Shalamar Nursing College Mrs. Nasim Rafiq, Principal Shalamar School of Allied Health Sciences Dr. Riffat Javed; Faculty, doctors, and parents of the students also attended the convocation.
Physiotherapy: A Neglected Field

“Recovery is indeed a manifestation of the law of nature, efforts of patient and guidance from a physical therapist or rehabilitation specialist.” ― Joerg Teichmann Importance of Physical Therapy Physiotherapy increases a patient’s mobility, function, and general health. Through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness, physiotherapy improves the quality of life of many patients. A physiotherapist can help you get on track to a pain-free life, which is necessary to engage in your favorite physical activities and ward off many chronic illnesses. However, even while surgery and medication are often recommended as the best treatments for specific ailments, there are other circumstances when physiotherapy can be just as successful. For example, lower back pain, evidence suggests that this problem is usually overtreated with imaging, prescription medications, and procedures, while early physical therapy can prove itself a very economical course of action. History of the Physiotherapy Hippocrates and Galen, two physicians, are thought to have introduced the science of physiotherapy as early as 400 BC when they encouraged the use of hydrotherapy, massage, and manual therapy techniques to treat their patients. However, during the First World War, physiotherapy became institutionalized, and women were hired to work with soldiers, offering physical treatment to assist repair the wounds they had sustained. The World Health Organization (WHO) helped the Federal Government, Ministry of Health & Social Welfare build the school of physiotherapy in 1956 in Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center. To match the international standard, the four-year BSPT program was recently upgraded to a five-year DPT (Doctor of Physiotherapy) program in 2008. Problems with Physiotherapy in Pakistan The problem with physiotherapy in Pakistan is that although physical therapy has been practiced for almost 60 years, there is still no regulatory body for the oversight of physiotherapy degree programs and the registration of physiotherapists. Moreover, there is no set meritocracy when admitting students to Physiotherapy programs in universities all around Pakistan. Many educational institutions are not connected to hospitals, which prevent students from participating in clinical training or house jobs. As a result, they eventually join the hospital with degrees but no relevant work experience. If such a body is created, it will make sure that physiotherapy schools uphold their educational standards and that only licensed professionals are permitted to practice. The government must take special action to save this profession because the situation is getting worse by the hour. The federal and provincial governments should generate jobs. In addition to the government, I implore the media and civil society to emphasize the value and necessity of physiotherapy for the nation.
Diabetes Awareness Walk

The rising number of people affected by diabetes is putting an added strain on healthcare systems. Society at large need access to ongoing education to understand risk factors and learn precautionary measures. On World Diabetes day SIDER (Sakina Institute of Diabetes and Endocrine Research) of Shalamar Hospital organized an awareness walk. To highlight the importance of a healthy diet, fruit baskets were distributed among the participants.
Shalamar Hospital conducted an awareness talk and diabetes screening camp at UET

As part of its community awareness work, Shalamar Hospital conducted an awareness talk and diabetes screening camp at the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (UET) on World Diabetes Day. Clinicians educated the participants on diabetes risk factors, health complications, and preventive tactics. High-risk patients were screened with advanced diagnostic tests.