Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences

Ms. Mehtab Sikander has been recognized as a Patient Safety Champion at the 6th International Conference on Patient Safety

Ms. Mehtab Sikander, Director of Nursing at Shalamar Hospital, has been recognized as a Patient Safety Champion at the 6th International Conference on Patient Safety. This prestigious honor is a testament to her unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of patients under her care. Mehtab Sikander is a true leader in the field of nursing. Her dedication to patient safety is evident in everything she does. She is constantly striving to improve the quality of care provided to patients, and has implemented numerous initiatives to promote safety and prevent errors. One of Mehtab’s most significant accomplishments is her work on developing a patient safety culture within Shalamar Hospital. She has been instrumental in creating an environment where patient safety is valued and prioritized at every level of the organization. This has resulted in a significant reduction in adverse events and improved outcomes for patients. At Shalamar Hospital, we are honored to have Mehtab Sikander as part of our team. Her tireless efforts to improve patient safety have had a profound impact on the lives of our patients and their families. We congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition and look forward to seeing her continued success in the years to come.  

Dr. Cornelia Groupe Visited the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department

Dr. Cornelia Groupe, a renowned Consultant Obs/Gynae, recently visited the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department of Shalamar Hospital. Her visit was eagerly awaited by the medical staff as she is an expert in her field and has years of experience in providing quality healthcare services to women. During her visit, Dr. Groupe had the opportunity to observe the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department’s operations firsthand. She was impressed with the state-of-the-art facilities and the high level of expertise of the medical staff. The department’s commitment to providing the best possible care to its patients was evident, and Dr. Groupe was pleased to see the dedication of the staff. In addition to observing the department’s operations, Dr. Groupe also had a presentation by the Obs/Gynae Department in the Labour Room. The presentation covered various topics related to obstetrics and gynaecology, including prenatal care, labour and delivery, and postpartum care. The presentation was informative and engaging, and Dr. Groupe appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the department’s practices. After the presentation, Dr. Groupe had the opportunity to interact with the medical staff and answer their questions. The staff members were thrilled to have the chance to learn from such a distinguished expert, and Dr. Groupe was happy to share her knowledge and expertise with them. Overall, Dr. Groupe’s visit to the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department of Shalamar Hospital was a resounding success. Her insights and expertise were invaluable, and the medical staff benefited greatly from her visit. The department looks forward to welcoming her back in the future and continuing to learn from her vast experience and knowledge.

The 6th International Conference on Patient Safety

The 6th International Conference on Patient Safety which was co-hosted by Shalamar Medical and Dental College was a momentous event that brought together various stakeholders to discuss the crucial issue of patient safety. The conference emphasized the importance of collaboration between all stakeholders, including doctors, patients, institutions, and regulators, in ensuring the safety of patients. It was recognized that patient safety cannot be achieved single-handedly and that everyone must play their part in creating a safe and trustworthy environment for patients. Building trust with patients and their families was identified as a crucial component of patient safety, and the conference provided a platform for exploring ways to achieve this. The discussions and deliberations at the conference were insightful and thought-provoking, highlighting the need for continued efforts to ensure the safety of patients in all healthcare settings.

The 4th International Medical Research Conference 2023

Revolutionizing healthcare, one research breakthrough at a time! We were honored to host The 4th International Medical Research Conference 2023 at Shalamar Medical and Dental College, where we brought together the brightest minds in medical research to share their insights and advancements. From exploring new treatment methods to discussing the latest medical breakthroughs, this conference was truly an exciting and enlightening experience. We look forward to continuing to push the boundaries of medical research and innovation in the years to come. Stay tuned for updates on our next event!

SMDC Students Achieve Outstanding Results in UHS MBBS

Shalamar Medical and Dental College students have once again proved their mettle by securing top positions in the 1st MBBS Professional and 2nd MBBS Professional Annual Examinations conducted by the University of Health Sciences. The results, announced recently, are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, who have consistently performed exceptionally well in their academic pursuits. It is a matter of great pride for us to see our students excel in their respective fields and make a mark in the academic world. In the 1st MBBS Professional Annual Examination, our student Ms. Arisha Shahid secured the 3rd position. Similarly, in the 2nd MBBS Professional Annual Examination, our student Mr. Muhammad Haris Khan secured the 2nd position and Mr. Awais Ansar secured 3rd position. These outstanding achievements are a reflection of the quality of education and training provided at Shalamar Medical and Dental College. At Shalamar Medical and Dental College, we strive to provide our students with a conducive learning environment, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and highly qualified faculty members. We believe in promoting academic excellence, critical thinking, and research-based learning to prepare our students for the challenges of the ever-evolving healthcare industry. We congratulate our students for their outstanding performance in the annual examinations and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. We are confident that they will continue to make us proud and contribute significantly to the healthcare sector in Pakistan and beyond. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the medical and dental field, we invite you to join us at Shalamar Medical and Dental College and be a part of our success story.

Medical Camp at Mughal Education Foundation

On World Obesity Day, we at Shalamar Hospital were proud to organize a medical camp at Mughal Education Foundation to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and to promote early detection of obesity and diabetes. Our dedicated team offered free BMI and sugar level check-ups to all attendees, empowering them to take charge of their health and make informed decisions about their well-being. We believe that prevention is better than cure and this initiative is a step toward a healthier community. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mughal Education Foundation for their support and to all who participated in the camp. Together, let us strive toward a healthier and happier tomorrow.

Shalamar Medical and Dental College Orientation

Today, Shalamar Medical and Dental College welcomed its newest first-year students with open arms! Our esteemed Principal, Prof. Zahid Bashir, personally greeted every one of our new students and introduced them to our world-class faculty. Our students were given an overview of the curriculum, highlighting what they can expect to learn and achieve during their time here. To top it off, a motivating video was presented to our students at the end of the orientation session, inspiring them to pursue their passion for medicine and become the best doctors they can be.

Clinical Nursing Skills Program with International Nursing Lecturers from MAHSA University Malaysia

Shalamar Nursing College is proud to announce that we are hosting a Clinical Nursing Skills Program with International Nursing Lecturers from MAHSA University Malaysia. This program began on February 20, 2023, and will continue until March 03, 2023. We are honored to have Putri Norliana Binte Megat and Ramli Nalayanni Vasu, experienced International Nursing Lecturers, share their expertise with our students. Our students are learning the latest clinical skills and procedures in Fundamental Nursing, Adult Health Nursing, and Critical Care Nursing from these esteemed lecturers. During this program, the International Nursing Lecturers are training and educating our students on various clinical skills and procedures based on international parameters. They are sharing their clinical experience with our students and our Nursing lecturers at SNC, which is a unique opportunity to learn from international experts. This program is an invaluable opportunity for our students to learn from these experts and enhance their clinical skills and knowledge. Our goal is to provide our students with a comprehensive nursing education that prepares them to succeed in their future careers. At Shalamar Nursing College, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education and training. We believe that this Clinical Nursing Skills Program with International Nursing Lecturers from MAHSA University Malaysia is a testament to our commitment to excellence in nursing education. We are excited to see our students grow and succeed with this program, and we are confident that they will benefit greatly from this unique opportunity. We would like to thank PUTRI NORLIANA BINTE MEGAT and RAMLI NALAYANNI VASU for sharing their knowledge and expertise with us, and we look forward to future collaborations with MAHSA University Malaysia.

Mr. Jahanzaib Sohail, a distinguished health economist from the World Bank, visits Shalamar Hospital

We were honored to welcome Mr. Jahanzaib Sohail, a distinguished health economist from the World Bank, to our Shalamar Hospital. As part of his visit, Mr. Sohail oversaw the facilities being provided under the Sehat Sahulat Program, which aims to improve access to quality healthcare for families in Pakistan. During his visit, Mr. Sohail met with our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, and staff, who work tirelessly to provide compassionate care to all our patients. He also toured our state-of-the-art facilities. We are proud to be a part of the Sehat Sahulat Program, which is helping to reduce the financial burden of healthcare on vulnerable families and improve health outcomes across the country.

Free Medical Camp at Village Mandianwalla

Putting the power of healing in the hands of the people! Our team of medical professionals from Shalamar Hospital have come together to bring a free medical camp to the residents of Mandianwalla Village. With doctors from departments of Internal medicine, Gynae & Obs, Pediatrics, Dermatology, and Nursing, we’re making sure that no one has to go without proper medical care. Let’s spread the word and make this a success for our community!