Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences

A Moment of Weakness

Young healthcare professionals inevitably face the death of a patient early in their careers, a moment that challenges both their emotional resilience. While some are deeply affected, others cope differently, yet all must navigate this reality and continue providing compassionate care. This poignant poem by final-year medical student Kashaf Naveed captures the emotional turmoil of losing a first patient, highlighting the balance between empathy and strength that defines the medical profession. Through vivid imagery and raw emotions, it pays tribute to the dedication of healthcare workers who persevere despite the weight of loss.

Being a curer, I believed in my ability

Keeping in mind, shouldn’t lose my humility

Being guided by oath I swore to treat

The patients who were desperately in need

I walked in my ward for the first time

Being bold and courageous, soft and kind

Ailing patients on beds, with paling eyes

Some were numbing, distressing and profound cries

Still there was one with ventilator but eyes gleaming

his hope, will and confidence not failing

He held my hands enduringly with trust

His milky face, hoping me to do what I must

Applying all the wisdom and acumen I acquired

the best ways of medication I tried

But after some days, grimed with grief and sin

I remember losing first patient of mine

The moment of weakness I came across

I was mourning over the terrible loss